That week my hometown team, the Kansas City Royals, played the Tribe. The AP arranged for our all access MLB credentials. The AP journalists who regularly cover sports enviously said our access was unprecedented.
I learned to overcome my fear of sports. In doing so, I had to interview the Royals after they gave up two runs in the last inning losing 6-4 to the Tribe. I gotta tell you, talking to losing players in the locker room isn't a fun thing. Maybe because I’m so ignorant of sports doing such a thing is incomprehensible--but I did it. I feel good about my reporting but the final product didn’t meet my substandard.

I wish I had gotten to know the other participants better. Being an introvert makes it difficult for me. Although I think talking to the pitcher who gave up the winning run might be a good example of walking through my fear. I also met some good AP mentors. In fact, two photo mentors work in the KC bureau.
Overall, I had a great experience and encourage others to apply for the Diverse Visions/Diverse Voices workshop.